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21-12-2016 à 16:40:39
Diet analyzer hpb
Schaeffer, Y. (2014) Vitamin D status is a determinant of atorvastatin effect on carotid intima medial thickening progression rate in children with lupus: an Atherosclerosis Prevention in Pediatric Lupus Erythematosus (APPLE) substudy. (2014) Preclinical Atherosclerosis in Patients with Prolactinoma. Mathew, Indra Narang. Rath, T. pylori eradication: a randomized clinical trial in patients with type 2 diabetes. E. Claire Yang. (2013) Metabolic Syndrome and Elevated C-Reactive Protein Levels in Elderly Patients With Newly Diagnosed Depression. Pietras, Elizabeth Goodman. Chandrakar, J. Mitchell Harman. (2013) Genetic variation in C-reactive protein in ethnic Chinese population in Taiwan. Korean Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science 47, 97-104. CrossRef 401 Xiao-Ting Lu, Yu-Xia Zhao, Yun Zhang, Fan Jiang. N. CrossRef 324 Jessica Monteiro, Michael Leslie, Mohammed H. CrossRef 224 Sami Aldaham, Janet A. C-reactive protein is a potent predictor of mortality independently of and in combination with troponin T in acute coronary syndromes: a TIMI IIa substudy. CrossRef 49 Gholam Reza Nikrahan, Johannes A. Thaveau, B. (2016) Biomarkers of Metabolic Syndrome: Biochemical Background and Clinical Significance. Evans. Nam, Y. 2014. Pfeffer. Kris-Etherton. McLaughlin, Natalie Slopen. Ambati. Journal of the American College of Nutrition 34, 135-141. W. (2014) C-reactive protein and risk of cardiovascular and all-cause mortality in 268 803 East Asians. (2014) Interleukin-31 is associated with uremic pruritus in patients receiving hemodialysis. CrossRef 337 Shu Meguro, Masuomi Tomita, Takeshi Katsuki, Kiyoe Kato, Henpiru Oh, Akira Ainai, Ryo Ito, Toshihide Kawai, Hiroshi Itoh, Hideki Hasegawa. Heffernan, Bo Fernhall. Koponen, Marcus Levin, Anne Mette Madsen, Rambabu Atluri, Valentinas Snitka, Renie K. A. Schlesinger. CrossRef 251 Subroto Acharjee, Jin-Rong Zhou, Tarec K. (2016) Influences on plasminogen activator inhibitor-2 polymorphism-associated recurrent cardiovascular disease risk in patients with high HDL cholesterol and inflammation. (2016) Inflammation as Possible Mediator for the Relationship Between Lung and Arterial Function. van Sloten, M. Yauk, Ulla Vogel. Liu, B. CrossRef 79 X. Moser. Relationship of C-reactive protein to risk of cardiovascular disease in the elderly: results from the Cardiovascular Health Study and the Rural Health Promotion Project. T. Iacomini. V. Coughlan, John J. CrossRef 407 Leo Stockfelt, Gerd Sallsten, Pernilla Almerud, Samar Basu, Lars Barregard. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry 66, 63-72. Kropman, Andrea van Meurs, Bram Fioole, Jan Albert Vos, Hjalmar C. CrossRef 99 XueZhi Yang, Yan Chang, Wei Wei. (2015) Salivary markers of inflammation in response to acute stress. J. Gertz, J. CrossRef 399 Mario Malerba, Enrico Clini, Michele Malagola, Gian Carlo Avanzi. CrossRef 432 Dong Gyu Lee, Kwang Sun Ryu, Mohamed Bashir, Jang-Whan Bae, Keun Ho Ryu. (2015) Brain morphology links systemic inflammation to cognitive function in midlife adults. (2016) A Test in Context. (2014) The role of T cells in the development of cardiovascular disease in HIV-infected patients. We will send you an email to access your personalized report. (2016) High-Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein and Risk of Stroke in Atrial Fibrillation (from the Reasons for Geographic and Racial Differences in Stroke Study). Wick, Cecilia Grundtman. CrossRef 320 E. H. (2014) Asenapine increases nitric oxide release and protects porcine coronary artery endothelial cells against peroxidation. (2013) Platelet activation as a novel mechanism of atherothrombotic risk in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Circulating adhesion molecules VCAM-1, ICAM-1, and E-selectin in carotid atherosclerosis and incident coronary heart disease cases: the Atherosclerosis Risk In Communities (ARIC) study. (2013) Effects of Exercise Training on Chronic Inflammation in Obesity. M. (2013) Role Models and the Psychological Characteristics That Buffer Low-Socioeconomic-Status Youth From Cardiovascular Risk. Kang. (2014) Adipose tissue changes in obesity and the impact on metabolic function. (2013) Human immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis C, and inflammatory biomarkers in individuals with alcohol problems: a cross-sectional study. Leal, B. (2014) Consensus statement on management of dyslipidemia in Indian subjects. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 281, 20133116-20133116. (2016) Repeated measures analysis of associations between urinary bisphenol-A concentrations and biomarkers of inflammation and oxidative stress in pregnancy. CrossRef 331 Xiao-Qing Lian, Di Zhao, Meng Zhu, Ze-Mu Wang, Wei Gao, Huan Zhao, Ding-Guo Zhang, Zhi-Jian Yang, Lian-Sheng Wang. Stockley, Alice M. CrossRef 222 Nicole Noren Hooten, Ngozi Ejiogu, Alan B. Geny, N. Melander, R. The frequency of exercise, the frequency of alcohol consumption, and rate of use of hormone-replacement therapy were similar in the two groups. Neylan, Mary A. Gibbs, D. Biomarkers in Cardiorenal Syndrome. Rhee, G. CrossRef 366 Valentina Nikulina, Cathy Spatz Widom. (2013) Menopause after a history of intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy. (2016) Why are well-educated Muscovites more likely to survive. In contrast, the risk tended to be highest among women with high total cholesterol levels and high levels of a marker of inflammation. Associations of elevated interleukin-6 and C-reactive protein levels with mortality in the elderly. (2015) Smoking Status Effect on Inflammatory Markers in a Randomized Trial of Current and Former Heavy Smokers. Discussion In this prospective study of apparently healthy postmenopausal women, four markers of inflammation — hs-CRP, serum amyloid A, interleukin-6, and sICAM-1 — were found to be significant predictors of the risk of future cardiovascular events. Taylor, Mark Nash, Katherine Schomer, Suzanne Groah. CrossRef 187 Ritsuko Nishide, Michiko Ando, Hidemitsu Funabashi, Yoshiko Yoda, Masataka Nakano, Masayuki Shima. (2014) Inflammation and Atherosclerosis. (2014) A feasibility study of the association of exposure to biomass smoke with vascular function, inflammation, and cellular aging. Increasing levels of interleukin (IL)-1Ra and IL-6 during the first 2 days of hospitalization in unstable angina are associated with increased risk of in-hospital events. 2016. (2013) Association between C-reactive protein level and echocardiography assessed left ventricular function in first ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction patients who underwent primary coronary intervention. Pinto. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 12, 8228-8242. Lv, Q. I. (2015) Risk Stratification for Primary Prevention of Coronary Artery Disease: Roles of C-Reactive Protein and Coronary Artery Calcium. Apolipoprotein A-I and apolipoprotein B-100 were simultaneously measured with this device by immunoassay. (2014) Hemoglobin A1c as a marker for identifying diabetes and cardiovascular risk factors: the China Health and Nutrition Survey 2009. Scheer. CrossRef 319 Hae Chang Jeong, Inna Kim, Keun Ho Park, Doo Sun Sim, Young Joon Hong, Ju Han Kim, Myung Ho Jeong, Jeong Gwan Cho, Jong Chun Park, Yun Hyeon Kim, Hyun Ju Seon, Jae Dong Moon, Youngkeun Ahn. (2016) Association Between Circulating Levels of C-Reactive Protein and Interleukin-6 and Risk of Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Sidelmann, Jens Faber, Marie-Louise. Kang, J. Hoogeveen, C. K. Eifert, A. Ischaemic heart disease registers: report of the Fifth Working Group (including a second revision of the operating protocol): Copenhagen, 26-29 April 1971. (2013) Vasoprotective effect of vitamin E: Rescue of ethanol-induced atherosclerosis and inflammatory stress in rat vascular wall. K. 2013. R. 2015. G. P. (2014) Benidipine prevents oxidative stress, inflammatory changes and apoptosis related myofibril damage in isoproterenol-induced myocardial infarction in rats. Pancholia, Sundeep Mishra, Ravi R. McDade, M. CrossRef 417 Mingzhi Zhang, Guiyan Wang, Aili Wang, Weijun Tong, Yonghong Zhang. Miller, Vicki Ellison Burns. Braun, G. W. Blaha, Khurram Nasir, Andrew Paul DeFilippis. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 68:16, 1769-1780. (2015) Lycopene Dietary Intervention. First, we computed the relative risk of cardiovascular events in analyses in which study participants were stratified into nine groups according to total cholesterol level as well as each marker of inflammation. CrossRef 363 Katja Lakota, Katjusa Mrak-Poljsak, Borut Bozic, Matija Tomsic, Snezna Sodin-Semrl. Ghone. (2016) Cardiac Risk Markers and Response to Depression Treatment in Patients With Coronary Heart Disease. , for each marker of inflammation included in this analysis, the risk of cardiovascular events was lowest among women with low total cholesterol levels and low levels of the marker in question. Kalavakunta, George S. Madsen, B. CrossRef 105 Ilonka Rohm, Daniel Kretzschmar, Rudin Pistulli, Marcus Franz, P. Boerwinkle, R. Vogel. Barros, Sandra Roberta Gouvea Ferreira. Kim, J. Elkon, Alan Chait. Kosmas. Ebersole. CrossRef 328 Anika Niambi Al-Shura. (2016) Measured Pulmonary and Systemic Markers of Inflammation and Oxidative Stress Following Wildland Firefighter Simulations. (2015) Evaluating noninvasive markers of nonhuman primate immune activation and inflammation. (2015) Three missense variants of metabolic syndrome-related genes are associated with alpha-1 antitrypsin levels. Caroline Blackwell. Shadab Siddiqui. (2013) Statin therapy to reduce stent thrombosis in acute myocardial infarction patients with elevated high-sensitivity C-reactive protein. 2014. (2014) High-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) levels and its relationship with components of polycystic ovary syndrome in Indian adolescent women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). T. (2015) Mechanisms of action for arsenic in cardiovascular toxicity and implications for risk assessment. Bhagat, Rahul A. (2016) Complement receptor 1 gene polymorphisms are associated with cardiovascular risk. Lamuela-Raventos, Ramon Estruch. (2014) Plasma proteome profiling of atherosclerotic disease manifestations reveals elevated levels of the cytoskeletal protein vinculin. (2013) Gender differences in the prospective associations of self-reported sleep quality with biomarkers of systemic inflammation and coagulation: Findings from the Heart and Soul Study. (2014) Interleukin-6 and soluble interleukin-6 receptor levels in posttraumatic stress disorder: Associations with lifetime diagnostic status and psychological context. Shkolnikov, Noreen Goldman. Lejay, M. We evaluated the combined role of lipid levels and markers of inflammation as predictors of the risk of future cardiovascular events in a series of analyses in which we explored the sensitivity and robustness of our findings from a clinical perspective. CrossRef 351 Soyeon Park, Yeon Ho Joo, Roger S. (2015) Anti-Inflammatory and Antioxidant Activities of the Nonlipid (Aqueous) Components of Sesame Oil: Potential Use in Atherosclerosis. Global Trends in Cardiovascular Disease. CrossRef 394 Sae Young Jae, Eun Sun Yoon, Soo Jin Jung, Sol Gi Jung, Soo Hyun Park, Byung Sung Kim, Kevin S. (2015) Leukocyte Activation in Obese Patients. Chirinos, Josefina Medina-Lezama, Belissa Salinas-Najarro, William Arguelles, Maria M. (2014) Markers of Systemic Inflammation and Apo-AI Containing HDL Subpopulations in Women with and without Diabetes. Blazing. M. (2015) Angiogenesis Inhibitor, Endostar, Prevents Vasa Vasorum Neovascularization in a Swine Atherosclerosis Model. CrossRef 247 Susan Sam, Theodore Mazzone. Ward. salary statistics is not exclusive and is for reference only. (2014) Association between high sensitivity C-reactive protein and dietary intake in Vietnamese young women. M. Stroke was classified as confirmed if the patient had a new neurologic deficit that lasted more than 24 hours. Krikke, S. (2016) Association between high sensitivity C-Reactive protein and prevalence of asymptomatic carotid artery stenosis. (2014) The influence of regular walking at different times of day on blood lipids and inflammatory markers in sedentary patients with coronary artery disease. D. CrossRef 125 Kristina Blaslov, Tomislav Bulum, Lea Duvnjak. Edwards, Paul D. Laferton, Karim Asgari, Mehrdad Kalantari, Mohammad Reza Abedi, Ali Etesampour, Abbas Rezaei, Laura Suarez, Jeff C. Smilowitz, Angela M. CrossRef 167 Xiao-Mei Xu, Dan Yao, Xue-Ding Cai, Cheng Ding, Qian-Ding Lin, Liang-Xing Wang, Xiao-Ying Huang. V. Mackiewicz, Scott M. Chatterjee, D. Cutrupi, G. Manczak, Deanna Williams, Edith Chen. (2015) The association between subgingival periodontal pathogens and systemic inflammation. Stricker, Guy G. Kim. Bagley, J. As in previous population-based epidemiologic studies, half of all cardiovascular events in our cohort occurred among women without overt hyperlipidemia. CrossRef 294 Naomi Sakurai-Komada, Hiroyasu Iso, Kazuko A. Wong, Jan Johansson. Debus, G. M. Kalantar-Zadeh. Production of C-reactive protein and risk of coronary events in stable and unstable angina. Budoff, Ron Blankstein, Moyses Szklo, Ronit Katz, Roger S. Jan, Fouzia Rashid. CrossRef 317 Parvin Mirmiran, Zahra Bahadoran, Mahdieh Golzarand, Homayoun Zojaji, Fereidoun Azizi. CrossRef 212 John Hofman. (2014) Associated Factors of Acute Myocardial Infarction in Patients with Systemic Sclerosis. van Lelyveld, K. CrossRef 339 Lorenza Pratali, Francesca Mastorci, Nicola Vitiello, Annamaria Sironi, Amalia Gastaldelli, Angelo Gemignani. Death from coronary heart disease was confirmed by review of the autopsy report, the death certificate, medical records, or information from family members regarding the circumstances of death. Tuleta, D. Procedures Base-line plasma samples from each woman with an event and each control subject were thawed and assayed for hs-CRP, serum amyloid A, and Lp(a) lipoprotein with use of latex-enhanced immunonephelometric assays on a BN II analyzer (Dade Behring, Newark, Del. -C. (2014) Study of plasma fibrin D-Dimer as marker of fibrinolysis and high sensitive C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) as potential inflammatory marker in acute stage of coronary heart diseases. R. Statistical Analysis Means and proportions for risk factors for cardiovascular events at base line were calculated for women who had cardiovascular events during follow-up and those who did not. Mitchell, Benjamin I. CrossRef 295 Hitesh Patel, Sujay Chandran, Kausik K. CrossRef 31 Amirhossein Sahebkar, Camelia Gurban, Alexandru Serban, Florina Andrica, Maria-Corina Serban. (2016) Roles of LOX-1 in microvascular dysfunction. D. Brand, M. CrossRef 378 Su-Jung Chen, Chia-Jen Liu, Tze-Fan Chao, Kang-Ling Wang, Tzeng-Ji Chen, Pesus Chou, Fu-Der Wang, Shing-Jong Lin, Chern-En Chiang. Orsatti, Ana Paula Tardivo, Gilberto Uemura, Maria Terezinha S. Larsen, Hans Mickley, Lotte Saaby, Axel C. (2015) Effects of supplementation with green tea catechins on plasma C-reactive protein concentrations: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. CrossRef 154 Z. Variability in the measurement of C-reactive protein in healthy subjects: implications for reference intervals and epidemiologic applications. (2016) Serum amyloid A regulates monopoiesis in hyperlipidemic. Tannock. CrossRef 226 Dinka Pavicic Baldani, Lana Skrgatic, Roya Ougouag. CrossRef 6 Shang-Chi Lin, Chung-Yuh Tseng, Po-Liang Lai, Min-Yen Hsu, Shueh-Yao Chu, Fan-Gang Tseng, Chao-Min Cheng. A. G. Prevention of coronary heart disease with pravastatin in men with hypercholesterolemia. A. (2015) Duration of pregnancy, even at term, predicts long-term risk of coronary heart disease and stroke mortality in women: a population-based study. B. A. 10 Ridker PM, Hennekens CH, Roitman-Johnson B, Stampfer MJ, Allen J. (2015) Immunoassay for serum amyloid A using a glassy carbon electrode modified with carboxy-polypyrrole, multiwalled carbon nanotubes, ionic liquid and chitosan. Naver, Anne-Lis Mikkelsen, Lisbeth Nilas, Sven O. CrossRef 296 Anagha Sen, Patrick Most, Karsten Peppel. Suglia. L. CrossRef 286 T. C. All confidence intervals were calculated at the 95 percent level. G. King, Lisa R. CrossRef 124 Christopher Blesso, Catherine Andersen, Maria Fernandez. Ridker, M. Chen. (2016) Inflammatory, lipid, and body composition responses to interval training or moderate aerobic training. (2014) Inflammation in Coronary Artery Disease. (2014) Plasma Antimicrobial Peptide LL-37 Level Is Inversely Associated with HDL Cholesterol Level in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. (2014) Cardiovascular Disease Risk Assessment: a Review of Risk Factor-based Algorithms and Assessments of Vascular Health. (2014) Effect of repaglinide versus glimepiride on daily blood glucose variability and changes in blood inflammatory and oxidative stress markers. Nguyen, M. CrossRef 389 Dimitris Tousoulis, Emmanuel Androulakis, Nikolaos Papageorgiou, George Latsios, Gerasimos Siasos, Evangelos Oikonomou. CrossRef 437 Chong Shen, Xiaoyang Sun, Hairu Wang, Bing Wang, Yong Xue, Yun Li, Jinfeng Chen, Yuzhang Jiang. (2014) Effect of soy nuts and equol status on blood pressure, lipids and inflammation in postmenopausal women stratified by metabolic syndrome status. (2014) Neuron Specific Enolase and C-reactive Protein Levels in Stroke and Its Subtypes: Correlation with Degree of Disability. Edge. Reardon. Atlihan, S. CrossRef 435 Barry Franklin, Kashish Goel. White, John Simes. Stoberock, E. (2015) Appendectomy increased the risk of ischemic heart disease. Inflammation, pravastatin, and the risk of coronary events after myocardial infarction in patients with average cholesterol levels. CrossRef 244 Md Quamrul Hassan, Md Sayeed Akhtar, Mohd. Hasan, Robert J. Lipid-Coated Gold Nanoparticles as Probes for Membrane Binding. CrossRef 192 Constance E. (2015) Polycystic ovary syndrome: cardiovascular risk factors according to specific phenotypes. Kosmas. Markert, I. Cohen. CrossRef 63 Valter Lubrano, Silvana Balzan. A. F. C-reactive protein adds to the predictive value of total and HDL cholesterol in determining risk of first myocardial infarction. Kullo, Vesna D. CrossRef 325 Ahra Ko, Hyesook Kim, Chan-Jung Han, Ji-Myung Kim, Hye-Won Chung, Namsoo Chang. (2013) Sexual Orientation Disparities in Cardiovascular Biomarkers Among Young Adults. (2013) Regular exercise training reduces coronary restenosis after percutaneous coronary intervention in patients with acute myocardial infarction. (2013) Rationale and design of the Cardiovascular Inflammation Reduction Trial: A test of the inflammatory hypothesis of atherothrombosis. (2013) Validation of the prognostic relevance of plasma C-reactive protein levels in soft-tissue sarcoma patients. Guevara, Hao Wei, Tomasz Wietecha, Baohai Shao, Savitha Subramanian, Mohamed Omer, Shari Wang, Kevin D. Blumenthal, Michael J. 2016. Prospective study of C-reactive protein and the risk of future cardiovascular events among apparently healthy women. Roy, B. Grady, Constantine E. (2013) Toward Clinically Applicable Biomarkers in Bipolar Disorder: Focus on BDNF, Inflammatory Markers, and Endothelial Function. Performance of revascularization procedures was confirmed by review of hospital records. (2014) Cytokine mRNA expression responses to resistance, aerobic, and concurrent exercise in sedentary middle-aged men. In addition, to allow comparison with other proposed markers, we measured plasma levels of Lp(a) lipoprotein and homocysteine. CrossRef 172 Belal Chami, Nicola Barrie, Xiaoping Cai, Xiaosuo Wang, Moumita Paul, Rebecca Morton-Chandra, Alexandra Sharland, Joanne Dennis, Saul Freedman, Paul Witting. (2015) Targeting C-Reactive Protein in Inflammatory Disease by Preventing Conformational Changes. Mann, Michael W. (2016) Serum amyloid A and atherosclerosis. (2013) Aspirin possibly reduces cerebrovascular events in type 2 diabetic patients with higher C-reactive protein level: Subanalysis from the JPAD Trial. Prior, Andrew P. (2016) Primary Prevention of Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease in Women. CrossRef 400 Shireen Brewster, Bernard Zinman, Ravi Retnakaran, John S. Appt. CrossRef 264 Jang Hoon Lee, Dong Heon Yang, Hun Sik Park, Yongkeun Cho, Won Kee Lee, Byung Yeol Chun, Shung Chull Chae,. Garovic. (2014) Diet Quality Is Associated with Leisure-Time Physical Activity in Individuals at Cardiometabolic Risk. For example, the addition of hs-CRP to lipid screening produced a significant and additive predictive effect when regression analyses were based on cutoff points for quartiles (rather than cutoff points for the division of the study group into thirds) and on analysis of the ratio of total cholesterol to HDL cholesterol (rather than on total cholesterol alone). (2014) Long-term effects of birth weight and breastfeeding duration on inflammation in early adulthood. Huffman. Prognostic influence of increased fibrinogen and C-reactive protein levels in unstable coronary artery disease. (2015) Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Important Underrecognised Cardiometabolic Risk Factor in Reproductive-Age Women. Kleber, Alexander Dressel, Julia Riffel, Sarah Triem, Marlene Lehmann, Chantal Kopecky, Marcus D. (2015) Correlation between inflammatory markers and insulin resistance in pregnancy. Christian Schulze, Christian Stumpf, Atilla Yilmaz. (2015) A calorie-restriction diet supplemented with fish oil and high-protein powder is associated with reduced severity of metabolic syndrome in obese women. Moss, Wojciech Zareba, Charles E. We also sought to determine whether the measurement of markers of inflammation in addition to standard screening of lipid levels might provide a clinically useful method for improving overall prediction of the risk of cardiovascular events. M. CrossRef 310 Neeraj Shah, Valay Parikh, Nileshkumar Patel, Nilay Patel, Apurva Badheka, Abhishek Deshmukh, Ankit Rathod, James Lafferty. Second, likelihood-ratio tests were used to compare the fit of predictive models that were based on measurement of a marker of inflammation in combination with lipids to the fit of models based on lipid measurements alone. CrossRef 304 K. Daviglus. Persson, M. CrossRef 117 Chao-Hung Chen, Ming-Chieh Tsai, Herng-Ching Lin, Hsin-Chien Lee, Cha-Ze Lee, Shiu-Dong Chung. Evaluating novel cardiovascular risk factors: can we better predict heart attacks. K. (2015) Prognostic Significance of 1-Year Serum Albumin Levels Within the Normal Range After Kidney Transplantation. Bengtson, P. CrossRef 241 Mohd Ashraf Ganie, Saqib Hassan, Sobia Nisar, Nasir Shamas, Aafia Rashid, Ishfaq Ahmed, Syed Douhat, Syed Mudassar, Vicar M. Brent, C. P. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1281, 123-140. Orekhov. CrossRef 278 Rosalyn Gross, Maureen Groer, Sandra P. Tangpricha, E. Tanamas, Rory Wolfe, Kathryn Backholer, Christopher Stevenson, Asnawi Abdullah, Anna Peeters. CrossRef 267 Georg Wick, Bojana Jakic, Maja Buszko, Marius C. (2013) Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Cardiovascular Disease. Coresh. (2013) Dental scaling and atrial fibrillation: A nationwide cohort study. Lumbers, C. (2015) Leg length is associated with lower values of inflammatory markers in older Chinese: The Guangzhou Biobank Cohort Study. (2013) Serum amyloid A is found on ApoB-containing lipoproteins in obese humans with diabetes. CrossRef 385 Hae Chang Jeong, Youngkeun Ahn, Young Joon Hong, Ju Han Kim, Myung Ho Jeong, Young Jo Kim, Shung Chull Chae, Myeong Chan Cho. CrossRef 162 Saman Khalatbari-Soltani, Hadi Tabibi. (2015) Ambient air pollution and lung disease in China: health effects, study design approaches and future research. Adriaanse, J. Zivkovic. Schiller, Yongmei Li, Beth E. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113, E1402-E1411. (2015) Multiple biomarker models for improved risk estimation of specific cardiovascular diseases related to metabolic syndrome: a cross-sectional study. Ryan, Guoyan Li, Charlene Hafer-Macko, Frederick M. Kasliwal, Saumitra Kumar, Unni Krishnan, Sanjay Kalra, Anoop Misra, Usha Shrivastava, Seema Gulati. (2013) Serum amyloid A is independently related to apolipoprotein A-I but not to HDL-cholesterol in patients with angina pectoris. McMurray, Patrick Parfrey, Giuseppe Remuzzi, Ajay K. The American Journal of the Medical Sciences 347:2, 151-158. (2016) Data in support of a central role of plasminogen activator inhibitor-2 polymorphism in recurrent cardiovascular disease risk in the setting of high HDL cholesterol and C-reactive protein using Bayesian network modeling. Second, to estimate the clinical relevance of these effects, we computed the area under receiver-operating-characteristic curves for prediction models based on lipid measurements alone and for models based on measurements of both lipid levels and markers of inflammation. (2015) Fruit and Vegetable Intake and Urinary Levels of Prostaglandin E. L. Current Treatment Options in Cardiovascular Medicine 15, 681-695. Ng. van Santvoort, Marc van Sambeek, Frans L. L. Jeste. Al-Mallah. Wang, A. Media in This Article Figure 1 Relative Risk of Cardiovascular Events among Apparently Healthy Postmenopausal Women According to Base-Line Levels of Total Cholesterol and Markers of Inflammation. CrossRef 265 Jui-Hsiu Tsai, Chang-Hung Kuo, Pinchen Yang, Kuang-Hung Cheng, Peng-Wei Wang, Cheng-Chung Chen, Chih-Hsing Hung. Ivey. (2015) Gender related Long-term Differences after Open Infrainguinal Surgery for Critical Limb Ischemia. CrossRef 364 Irena Korita, Anyla Bulo, Michel R. Benefits and Risks of Exercise for the Coronary Patient. 21,23 Moreover, with respect to the current results, variation over time in levels of these markers and regression dilution bias would tend, if anything, to lead to an underestimation of net effects. (2016) Aptamer-conjugated live human immune cell based biosensors for the accurate detection of C-reactive protein. Korkmazer, N. Davatgarbenam, V. (2015) Depressogenic vulnerability and gender-specific patterns of neuro-immune dysregulation: What the ratio of cortisol to C-reactive protein can tell us about loss of normal regulatory control. Mattila, Markku Sumanen. CrossRef 422 Donald Edmondson, Beth E. Goldberg. Ben-Ayed, A. First, we used the likelihood-ratio test to determine whether logistic-regression models that included measurements of lipid variables and markers of inflammation provided a significantly better fit than did logistic-regression models limited to lipid measurements alone. (2016) Addition of a dairy fraction rich in milk fat globule membrane to a high-saturated fat meal reduces the postprandial insulinaemic and inflammatory response in overweight and obese adults. Homocysteine and risk of cardiovascular disease among postmenopausal women. (2016) Circadian misalignment increases cardiovascular disease risk factors in humans. Scheffer, F. Nickerson, S. (2013) Sleeping too Close Together: Obesity and Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Childhood and Adolescence. Levels of several markers of inflammation were highly correlated. Gube. Fontanillas, D. (2016) Medium-chain triglycerides and monounsaturated fatty acids potentiate the beneficial effects of fish oil on selected cardiovascular risk factors in rats. (2015) Quality of life in stroke survivor-caregiver dyads: a new conceptual framework and longitudinal study protocol. CrossRef 259 Ravi Jahagirdar, Haiyan Zhang, Salman Azhar, Jennifer Tobin, Sarah Attwell, Raymond Yu, Jin Wu, Kevin G. Thanka, Charles Emmanuel Jebaraj Walter, Sankari Durairajan, Nathakattur Saravanabavan Sanddhya, Periandavan Kalaiselvi. CrossRef 45 Arne Astrup, Beth Rice Bradley, J. Peter, S. CrossRef 384 Hye Young Lee, Jeong Hoon Kim, Byung Ok Kim, Young-Sup Byun, Sungwoo Cho, Choong Won Goh, HyoSeung Ahn, Kun Joo Rhee, Chul Kim. Levey, John J. (2013) Percutaneous intervention for infrageniculate arterial disease in women may be associated with better outcomes when compared to men. Dang, N. (2016) Paper-based CRP Monitoring Devices. H. Venditti. Mandel, Christine Wendt, Charles Lo, Guangbiao Zhou, Marshall Hertz, Gurumurthy Ramachandran. (2015) Serum Amyloid A Receptor Blockade and Incorporation into High-Density Lipoprotein Modulates Its Pro-Inflammatory and Pro-Thrombotic Activities on Vascular Endothelial Cells. Gomolak, Sean P. Sijbrands, A. (2014) AN integrated microfluidic system using field-effect transistors for CRP detection. L. (2016) Effects of Positive Psychology Interventions on Risk Biomarkers in Coronary Patients: A Randomized, Wait-List Controlled Pilot Trial. Patel, Michael A. Demko, Susan E. Thomas. e6. Lee, Lisa Cavey, Amanda Ho. M. (2014) Association between Chlamydophila pneumoniae infection and risk of coronary heart disease for Japanese: The JPHC study. (2015) Effects of Maternal Inflammation and Exposure to Cigarette Smoke on Birth Weight and Delivery of Preterm Babies in a Cohort of Indigenous Australian Women. Whooley. (2013) Cardioprotective effects of cocoa: Clinical evidence from randomized clinical intervention trials in humans. CrossRef 2 Usman Khan, Arslan Rafiq, Jonathan N. (2015) Testosterone and high-sensitive C-reactive protein in coronary artery disease patients awaiting coronary artery bypass graft. Travison, Thierry Dantoine, Lewis A. (2016) Myocardial dysfunction and cardiovascular disease in type 2 diabetes. CrossRef 81 Hon-Yen Wu, Yu-Sen Peng, Hung-Yuan Chen, Wan-Chuan Tsai, Ju-Yeh Yang, Shih-Ping Hsu, Mei-Fen Pai, Hui-Min Lu, Ju-Fen Chiang, Mei-Ju Ko, Su-Ying Wen, Hsien-Ching Chiu. Cohen. (2014) A role for innate immunity in the development of hypertension. (2013) Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of Marrubium alysson extracts in high cholesterol-fed rabbits. CrossRef 209 Wilfred A. 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